Lev. 23
Seven Convocations (appointments) Festivals
Former Rain: Barley Harvest
1.) Passover 14th Abib/Aviv
Christian: Death of Messiah
Hebrew : Death of Pass over lamb
2.) Unleavened Bread 15th Abib/Aviv
Christian: Burial of Messiah
Hebrew : Burial of Matza, or
Unleavened bread
3.) First Fruits 17th Abib/Aviv
Christian: Resurrection of Messiah
Hebrew : Offering of bread from the ground
Pentecost Separated Former and Latter Rain Betrothal John. 14:4
4.) Pentecost 50 days from First Fruits
Christian: Gift of the Holy Spirit
Hebrews : New Meat Offering
Latter Rain: Wheat Harvest
5.) Trumpets Tisri 1
Christian: Thes 4:16&17/ICor 15:52 Beginning of Washington’s Prophecy
Hebrew: RoShanah The Day that no man knows
Feast of Trumpets silver,gold,&shofar blown 100 times
6.) Atonement Tisri 10
Christian: The Day of the Lord/ End of Washington’s Prophecy
Hebrew : Yom Kippur /The Great Trumpet
7.) Tabernacles Tisri 15
Christian: The birth of Yahushua Messiah in a Tabernacle/ Lean-to
Hebrew : Remember living in Tabernacles for 40 years
Seven Appointments/ Five kept
1.) Tabernacles/The birth of Messiah
2.) Passover/The Death of Messiah
3.) Unleavened Bread/ Burial of Messaih
4.) First Fruits/ Resurrection of Messiah
5.) Pentecost/ Gift of the Holy Spirit
These two have yet to occur described in Washington’s Prophecy
6.)Trumpets/ Thes 4:16&17/ICor 15:52/ Three Trumpets of Washington’s Prophecy
7.) Atonement/Return of the Lord /Return of angel Washington’s Prophecy
Scripture Quotes from King James version:
I Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trump shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
I Thessalonians 4:16 For the Yahushua himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voiceof the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Messiah shall rise first:
4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Yahushua in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Yahushua.
John 14:4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
How did they know where Messiah went?
Hebrew wedding ceremony.
Verses:Isa.61:10,Jer.7:34,16:9,25:10,Bar.2:23,1Mac.1:39Matt.25:1-10, Mark 2:20,Jhn3:29, Rev 18:23
When a young Hebrew came to propose marriage, he met with the father of the bride. The groom would offer a price for the brides hand. Upon the fathers acceptance he would bless the marriage by offering a cup of wine which the groom and bride would share. The couple were married in spirit. The groom would go back to his fathers house to prepare a place for her. She knew not when he would return. When he came back with the friends of the groom, they would shout “make way for the bridegroom cometh” and blow the trump in the streets so the bride would be for warned and come out into the street to meet him. They all go back to the grooms house were he has prepared a mansion for her. The new bride and groom enter a room called the Huppa, where they consummate the wedding physically. He returns to the festival and she remains in the Huppa for seven days.
Other interesting coincidences
17th day 7th month 1.)Noahs Ark touched down on Mt. Ararat Gen 8:4
Exodus 12:1 Lord changes the 7th month to the first
17th day 7th month 2.)Hebrews come up out of the Red sea 6:am Ex 13:4 & 14:23, Num. 33:1-8
Pharaoh (Picture of anti Christ)& Egyptians killed same day
17th day 7th month 3.) Hezekiah went up to the cleansed temple & they worshiped God in Truth
IIChron 29:17-20
17th day 7th month 4.) Yahushua was born (he was conceived late Dec/Jan)
17th day 7th month 5.) Yahushua steps out of Sepulcher 6:am/temple in heaven cleansed by his blood.
The greatest of all chapters in the Christian bible Romans Ch. 8